Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oracle Readings Received: Bird Oracle (June 27 2012)

from wrenstarling's June one card draw using her bird oracle deck, we asked for a card to meditate on.

For you, I drew Lark. In the coldest of times, there is still freshness; beneath the snow is the soil of the earth in which good things grow. This is the bird of winter. It speaks of Earth and Sun, of spirals, of the sacred voice/sacred song, the importance of just listening, the warming of body and soul, seeking/loving the sun/light.

Personal thoughts - Lark has a lot of layers as a totem and it's application right now is also multi-layered.

"Lark teaches the lesson of freedom from worrying"

Lately worry is a lot of who I am. this encourages me a little, that I can learn to move beyond the insecurity.

"Larks are known for their melodious singing. They also sing while they are flying, unlike most other birds, who only sing when perched. This indicates cheerfulness and reminds us to find joy in our own lives....

Larks have a crescent shape across their breasts. The crescent shape often signifies lunar qualities, and the moon is often linked with the concept of self. Therefore the lark reflects the inward journey that’s often associated with self-discovery. This goes hand in hand with their singing, something that, for humans, is often considered a private activity and a deep reflection of inner self. Lark encourages us to explore our inner selves and sing out loud."
The Mystery of Sound
For those to whom the lark appears, the mysteries and science of
sound, music and voice will be important
and the shamanic aspects of song and sorcery will become unveiled.
The creative power of voice awakens.
Words spoken will take on greater power and magic.
Things spoken lovingly will be felt more deeply;
things spoken harshly will cut more deeply.
The power of the voice is awakening.

It has been said that the angels sing everyday for us,
but to hear the song of the angels we must first be able to hear the song
within our own hearts.
When the lark appears, our own sacred song is being awakened.

I think the combination of these is an important reminder -- learning to just sing it reminds me of the Henry van Dyke quote I used in my high school yearbook

"Horned (Shore) Lark - Grounded and Dreaming
Keywords: Strutting your stuff, oneness with wind and ground spirits, staying grounded and dreaming big, knowing the healing power of the earth, the earth element, the wind element, doing what is necessary to protect loved ones, knowing the power of sacrifice, putting others first, seeking stability, don't damage your health for environmentalism, learning to live in new environments, the healing power of open places." - (WildSpeak Totem Dictionary)

We're doing a lot of internal and external maintenance, pulling away from things that aren't as in-line with our values and trying to manage taking care of each other and our chosen families.

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