Saturday, April 11, 2015

Oracle Readings Received: One Card Draw (April 6 2015)

from alexseanchai's One Card Draw

You get three cards because one leaped out of the deck while I was shuffling! The card that insisted on being heard is the Son of Swords, reversed; the others are the Magician, turned left, and the Four of Cups, turned left.

Upright, the Son of Swords is a very discouraging card: you know all those people who think short-term and competitively and don't consider the consequences? That's the Son upright. Reversed, however, he knows to consider the long-term, to value others as much as himself, and to prize art as strongly as science and emotion as strongly as reason.

The Magician is an actor, in the sense of one who takes action. She gets things done—when she's upright. Turned left, something is in her way, often a lack of confidence. The Four of Cups, turned left, suggests what that something is: she's caught up in past disappointments instead of reflecting on the present and the desired future.

Your bonus card is the Priestess of Wands, turned right. The card depicts the Priestess and the rain and rainbow she just brought about. Turned right, she has an intense focus on what she needs to do in order to accomplish what she needs, or is needed, to accomplish.