Thursday, January 21, 2010

First day of Internship

So, today was my first day at my internship!

Things I learned/did today!

1. The Fountas and Pinell leveling system for Guided Reading Levels
Books are leveled A - Z with A being the easiest [~Kindergarten/1st Grade] and Z Being the hardest [Grade 8]

2. Looking up GRLs using a Sundance Publishing Catalog for multiple-copy books
Look through author list for author.
If author exists in the publishing catalog, check for the book title
If book title exists in publishing catalog, check the index page reference for the book
Look at the reference page and see if it has a GRL tag, for example, GRL-S
If yes, put a sticky on the book with the GRL and take all copies off the shelf and then put a check next to the book in the author's list.
If no, write no next to the book title on the author's list.

3. Updating the GRLs for said multiple-copy books into the library catalog
Search for Book
Edit title
Series/Notes Tab
Scroll down to Fountas & Pinell, set the A-Z dropdown, save.
select all the ticky boxes that pop up[the system is checking to make sure the MARC display record is properly punctuated as forms doesn't often remember to include the periods and commas at the end of certain variables], and Save title.
If it says a record already exists, overwrite the record.
Check catalog to make sure there isn't another version that doesn't have the Fountas & Pinell level recorded -- usually 2 versions - one hardback, one paperback.
If there is another version, repeat process.

Yeah this is somewhat low-tech and very "GUI" but, i think it's useful. :)

#2 & #3 are a part of my major long-term project for the semester "The Multiples Project", which is going through all the multiple-copy books, updating the catalog for them, updating the spreadsheet for them for the big white binders and then finally reshelving them to their proper reading levels.

Other things I'll be doing as needed during the semester will be book prep, shelfreading, and importing records.

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