Monday, June 22, 2015

Oracle Readings Received: One Card Draw (Jun 22 2015)

Your card :: Princess of Staves [reversed]

The Princess of Staves, in a reversed position, is cautioning a need for focus. Your energies are scattered all over the place right now, and that accomplishes nothing toward fulfilling your goals. Take a step back from the cacophony around you, retreat into a safe space where you can regroup and get control of your thoughts and feelings. Once you can relax in your skin and your mind, you can see the bigger picture again and get back on track.

Pimp It! card :: Ace of Swords

Dovetailing nicely with the previous card, Ace of Swords points toward clarity and the good judgment that will allow you to achieve your goals. Seek advice from those you trust, but ultimately it will be your own innate wisdom that will help you resolve the issues that are plaguing you right now.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Oracle Readings Received: Soul Clarity Card Draw (June 1 2015)

Hi Emma!
Your card is:
Ask for help – We all want to support you. But first, you have to be brave enough to ask.