from wrenstarling's June one card draw using her bird oracle deck, we asked for a card to meditate on.
For you, I drew Lark. In the coldest of times, there is still freshness; beneath the snow is the soil of the earth in which good things grow. This is the bird of winter. It speaks of Earth and Sun, of spirals, of the sacred voice/sacred song, the importance of just listening, the warming of body and soul, seeking/loving the sun/light.
Personal thoughts - Lark has a lot of layers as a totem and it's application right now is also multi-layered.
"Lark teaches the lesson of freedom from worrying"
Lately worry is a lot of who I am. this encourages me a little, that I can learn to move beyond the insecurity.
"Larks are known for their melodious singing. They also sing while they are flying, unlike most other birds, who only sing when perched. This indicates cheerfulness and reminds us to find joy in our own lives....
Larks have a crescent shape across their breasts. The crescent shape often signifies lunar qualities, and the moon is often linked with the concept of self. Therefore the lark reflects the inward journey that’s often associated with self-discovery. This goes hand in hand with their singing, something that, for humans, is often considered a private activity and a deep reflection of inner self. Lark encourages us to explore our inner selves and sing out loud."
The Mystery of Sound
For those to whom the lark appears, the mysteries and science of
sound, music and voice will be important
and the shamanic aspects of song and sorcery will become unveiled.
The creative power of voice awakens.
Words spoken will take on greater power and magic.
Things spoken lovingly will be felt more deeply;
things spoken harshly will cut more deeply.
The power of the voice is awakening.
It has been said that the angels sing everyday for us,
but to hear the song of the angels we must first be able to hear the song
within our own hearts.
When the lark appears, our own sacred song is being awakened.
I think the combination of these is an important reminder -- learning to just sing it reminds me of the Henry van Dyke quote I used in my high school yearbook
"Horned (Shore) Lark - Grounded and Dreaming
Keywords: Strutting your stuff, oneness with wind and ground spirits, staying grounded and dreaming big, knowing the healing power of the earth, the earth element, the wind element, doing what is necessary to protect loved ones, knowing the power of sacrifice, putting others first, seeking stability, don't damage your health for environmentalism, learning to live in new environments, the healing power of open places." - (WildSpeak Totem Dictionary)
We're doing a lot of internal and external maintenance, pulling away from things that aren't as in-line with our values and trying to manage taking care of each other and our chosen families.
This blog is a multidimensional personal lifestyle, pop culture and professional blog. Posts include: - Oracle Readings I have received with or without commentary - Challenges: Blogging, Video Blogging, Photoblogging, Divination, Jolvie Journal - crossposts of writings - writing meta - Plurality Journal - class notes, journals and assignments - reviews - blog hops and promotions
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Oracle Readings Received: May One Card Draw (May 7 2012)
from stonetalker's May One Card Draw
The card is from the Tarot of the Cloisters and is affected by the Fairy Tale Tarot card from the Leap Year Draw mentioned previously (Two of Swords, inverted).
Eight of Swords (inverted)
This combination is showing you that there is a choice to be made and that something is inhibiting you from making it. The Eight (reversed) is showing you that you have to be willing to take the first steps away from this inhibition and into what you want to see happen in your life. Seek support from others if you need it, but keep moving forward. Learn to trust yourself.
The card is from the Tarot of the Cloisters and is affected by the Fairy Tale Tarot card from the Leap Year Draw mentioned previously (Two of Swords, inverted).
Eight of Swords (inverted)
This combination is showing you that there is a choice to be made and that something is inhibiting you from making it. The Eight (reversed) is showing you that you have to be willing to take the first steps away from this inhibition and into what you want to see happen in your life. Seek support from others if you need it, but keep moving forward. Learn to trust yourself.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Oracle Readings Received: April One Card Draw (April 21 2012)
from ariestess' April One Card Draw
I requested general guidance from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards deck.
Your card :: Cordelia - Go Outside [reversed]
Cordelia's Message :: Your have been indoors too long. Go outside and get some fresh air.
Don't let your fear of being lost keep you cooped up inside. Take a bold step and step outside, explore the natural beauty of the world around you. Get back in touch with nature.
Personal thoughts -
Other Notes on the Goddess Cordelia
She may be known as the goddess of summer flowers, the Queen of May and a graceful fairy spirit, but Cordelia is no sissy - she teaches you to stand your ground in order for good things to come your way.
Self respect
My rights are important
I know what is best for me
It is easy to stand up for myself
I stand firm for what I believe in
I am gracious in my stubborness ;-)
Others respect my decision for my own path
Her Story
Welsh goddess of summer flowers, Cordelia is honoured as the Queen of May and of the fairies. She was the target of ardent attention from suitors competing to win her love.
Her Modern Energy
Cordelia defied her sea-god father's wishes and married the man of her choice. In doing so, she sent a very clear message that despite her flowery and joyful energies, it is good to stand firm so good things can come your way.
You don't need to go so far as to marry someone to emulate Cordelia, but you can become the heroine of your own story and stand your ground in the face of fear, threats or adversity.
Reconnect With Your Inner Cordelia
Go outside and burrow your feet in the ground. Or, if it is too cold where you are, place red flowers on your desk or home to keep her floral energy at a conscious level.
Pssst! Spring 1st moon is a good time to sow seeds for new projects or relationships.
What Would Cordelia Do?
... If she were in your situation, she would stand firm and make choices for her own happiness. While remaining gracious during the process, she wouldn't compromise her well-being for the sake of 'keeping the peace'.
from here
I requested general guidance from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards deck.
Your card :: Cordelia - Go Outside [reversed]
Cordelia's Message :: Your have been indoors too long. Go outside and get some fresh air.
Don't let your fear of being lost keep you cooped up inside. Take a bold step and step outside, explore the natural beauty of the world around you. Get back in touch with nature.
Personal thoughts -
Other Notes on the Goddess Cordelia
She may be known as the goddess of summer flowers, the Queen of May and a graceful fairy spirit, but Cordelia is no sissy - she teaches you to stand your ground in order for good things to come your way.
Self respect
My rights are important
I know what is best for me
It is easy to stand up for myself
I stand firm for what I believe in
I am gracious in my stubborness ;-)
Others respect my decision for my own path
Her Story
Welsh goddess of summer flowers, Cordelia is honoured as the Queen of May and of the fairies. She was the target of ardent attention from suitors competing to win her love.
Her Modern Energy
Cordelia defied her sea-god father's wishes and married the man of her choice. In doing so, she sent a very clear message that despite her flowery and joyful energies, it is good to stand firm so good things can come your way.
You don't need to go so far as to marry someone to emulate Cordelia, but you can become the heroine of your own story and stand your ground in the face of fear, threats or adversity.
Reconnect With Your Inner Cordelia
Go outside and burrow your feet in the ground. Or, if it is too cold where you are, place red flowers on your desk or home to keep her floral energy at a conscious level.
Pssst! Spring 1st moon is a good time to sow seeds for new projects or relationships.
What Would Cordelia Do?
... If she were in your situation, she would stand firm and make choices for her own happiness. While remaining gracious during the process, she wouldn't compromise her well-being for the sake of 'keeping the peace'.
from here
Oracle Readings Received: April One-Card Draw (April 10, 2012)
from stonetalker's April One-Card Draw.
The card is from the Tarot of the Cloisters and is affected by the Fairy Tale Tarot card from the Leap Year Draw mentioned previously (Two of Swords, inverted).
Four of Wands
This is the second time that this card has made an appearance today. It is showing you that there are celebrations ahead, but the card is inverted, at the 'quarter past' position, if you like. Yes, the success was very short lived, but there is a more grounded and rooted success coming, you just have to focus on making that choice. If the choice proves inappropriate, change it. Nothing is ever carved in stone.
The card is from the Tarot of the Cloisters and is affected by the Fairy Tale Tarot card from the Leap Year Draw mentioned previously (Two of Swords, inverted).
Four of Wands
This is the second time that this card has made an appearance today. It is showing you that there are celebrations ahead, but the card is inverted, at the 'quarter past' position, if you like. Yes, the success was very short lived, but there is a more grounded and rooted success coming, you just have to focus on making that choice. If the choice proves inappropriate, change it. Nothing is ever carved in stone.
Oracle Readings Received: Leap Year 2-Card Draw (Feb 29 2012)
from stonetalker's leap year 2 card draw. The four-year card (the theme for the next 4 years) is from The Fairy Tale Tarot and month card for March is from Tarot of the Cloisters.
Two of Swords, Ten of Coins
The next four years brings you choices to make when it comes to partnerships and interpersonal relationships. The card is inverted, and I intuit that this is asking you to use this time to choose to get rid of what is not working, choose to get rid of people who are holding you back, and choose to walk your authentic path.
The Ten of Coins shows that you have success coming. As this is your card for March, rather than your long-term card, Id suggest that you watch out for the little blessings, the little victories that come into your life every day. This seems to be more a material success than an emotional one.
After reflection - The March card was quite literal -- fiance and I made about $100 on St Patrick's Day weekend by selling some old iPods. Kind of short-lived financial relief, though.
Two of Swords, Ten of Coins
The next four years brings you choices to make when it comes to partnerships and interpersonal relationships. The card is inverted, and I intuit that this is asking you to use this time to choose to get rid of what is not working, choose to get rid of people who are holding you back, and choose to walk your authentic path.
The Ten of Coins shows that you have success coming. As this is your card for March, rather than your long-term card, Id suggest that you watch out for the little blessings, the little victories that come into your life every day. This seems to be more a material success than an emotional one.
After reflection - The March card was quite literal -- fiance and I made about $100 on St Patrick's Day weekend by selling some old iPods. Kind of short-lived financial relief, though.
Oracle Readings Received: Bird Oracle (Feb 29 2012)
from wrenstarling's february one card draw using her bird oracle deck, we asked for a card to meditate on.
For you, the Ostrich, the bird of the ingenue. Its huge, beautiful eyes spot predators far away, and its long, lithe legs enable it to run at high speed. The innocent is cleverer than she seems and capable of caring for herself after all. Balance is important, even key.
personal thoughts - whenever someone draws from an animal-based oracle, we tend to go looking at totem information because often that gives us a better idea of where the communication is coming from and towards what.
The general consensus is that ostrich is a reminder to be grounded first before connecting to higher things.
For you, the Ostrich, the bird of the ingenue. Its huge, beautiful eyes spot predators far away, and its long, lithe legs enable it to run at high speed. The innocent is cleverer than she seems and capable of caring for herself after all. Balance is important, even key.
personal thoughts - whenever someone draws from an animal-based oracle, we tend to go looking at totem information because often that gives us a better idea of where the communication is coming from and towards what.
The general consensus is that ostrich is a reminder to be grounded first before connecting to higher things.
Oracle Readings Received: Rune Reading (January 2012)
First I calmed my breathing down and shuffled the cards, while thinking of my query. As usual, it took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to say. Eventually I settled on "what do I need to know to improve upon my current situation with my lover's family?"
In position A, representing the Past, I have drawn Mannaz. In Position B, representing the Present, I have drawn Fehu. In position C, representing the Future becoming, I have drawn Berkana.
My initial reaction to this was basically feeling like I got hit by a clue-by-four that my question wasn't quite The Question the Runes heard. I usually don't get really angry about this even though I sometimes am hesitant to read when I get these kinds of readings, mostly because I tend to at least be open to thinking about what they really mean (this tendency might overemphasize my personal insecurities with my own self-knowledge, I think, but I find it's also one of the things that also prevents me from making immediate judgment calls).
Mannaz gives me a sense of potential, and I think it underlines the fact I am often overly concerned with things that reflect my own self-worth in relationships with other people, and my tenuous relationship with my self-convictions.
Fehu for me is a symbol of inner conviction and inner value. Here it kind of gave me a sort of odd sense that I'm not All Here. In spite of being read in an upright position, I get the inner feeling that Fehu was giving me a gentle scolding of "Go back to Beginners' Mind. Stop looking for your Wants right now, see that you're thinking blind and all you Need is already there".
Berkana gives me a sense of rebirth in the sense of flexibility... I like to think of Berkana as the way I see a young birch tree -- they're tall and leafy and often sprout early, but they're also very flexible waif-like trees. To me Birch kind of represents a sort of childish honesty in rebirth. For me, Berkana underlines a potential for self-growth in understanding how to beflexible without allowing ourselves to bend too far.
In the end of the reading, the overall reaction I decided on was that basically, the runes want me to trust myself more and take some time to actually look around at what I do have right now and I'll figure out a way to open up myself to something new and more filling than what I'm trying to aim for in my relationships.
If you do not like the runes that came up, you should not cast again immediately using the same query because it usually means some inner consciousness is in denial about the runes that did come up. A recast will likely both frustrate the reader and the communication with the Self the runes are interpreting and the Runes will probably either continue to tell you things you don't want to hear or dissolve into Rune-gibberish because they don't want to deal with an ignorant fool who doesn't want to hear what's really on his or her mind.
In position A, representing the Past, I have drawn Mannaz. In Position B, representing the Present, I have drawn Fehu. In position C, representing the Future becoming, I have drawn Berkana.
My initial reaction to this was basically feeling like I got hit by a clue-by-four that my question wasn't quite The Question the Runes heard. I usually don't get really angry about this even though I sometimes am hesitant to read when I get these kinds of readings, mostly because I tend to at least be open to thinking about what they really mean (this tendency might overemphasize my personal insecurities with my own self-knowledge, I think, but I find it's also one of the things that also prevents me from making immediate judgment calls).
Mannaz gives me a sense of potential, and I think it underlines the fact I am often overly concerned with things that reflect my own self-worth in relationships with other people, and my tenuous relationship with my self-convictions.
Fehu for me is a symbol of inner conviction and inner value. Here it kind of gave me a sort of odd sense that I'm not All Here. In spite of being read in an upright position, I get the inner feeling that Fehu was giving me a gentle scolding of "Go back to Beginners' Mind. Stop looking for your Wants right now, see that you're thinking blind and all you Need is already there".
Berkana gives me a sense of rebirth in the sense of flexibility... I like to think of Berkana as the way I see a young birch tree -- they're tall and leafy and often sprout early, but they're also very flexible waif-like trees. To me Birch kind of represents a sort of childish honesty in rebirth. For me, Berkana underlines a potential for self-growth in understanding how to beflexible without allowing ourselves to bend too far.
In the end of the reading, the overall reaction I decided on was that basically, the runes want me to trust myself more and take some time to actually look around at what I do have right now and I'll figure out a way to open up myself to something new and more filling than what I'm trying to aim for in my relationships.
If you do not like the runes that came up, you should not cast again immediately using the same query because it usually means some inner consciousness is in denial about the runes that did come up. A recast will likely both frustrate the reader and the communication with the Self the runes are interpreting and the Runes will probably either continue to tell you things you don't want to hear or dissolve into Rune-gibberish because they don't want to deal with an ignorant fool who doesn't want to hear what's really on his or her mind.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Rune Journal (October 2011)
At HOL, a Virtual Hogwarts simulation, I took Ancient Runes for one of my courses in the Fall Term.
This was a summary of a month long exercise to journal intuitive reactions to each rune stave. So this is from around October 2011.
This was a summary of a month long exercise to journal intuitive reactions to each rune stave. So this is from around October 2011.
(a) Did you notice any particular 'feeling' in connection with any one rune?Most of my feeling responses are very subtle. I do notice specifically that Thurisaz and Ansuz make me feel uncomfortable for some reason, almost antsy, and that Wunjo and Laguz are a little more pleasant feeling. Particularly Wunjo makes me smile. Others I'm not too sure of the response because I'm still trying to figure out what some of the runes feel like to me, since I often have trouble identifying feelings... I'm often detached from my emotions because I used to have a tendency to get overwhelmed by them. I'm not really sure if I feel more comfortable with the set yet, since most of my efforts in this exercise occured in probably a shorter time-frame than I probably should have done this in, which didn't give me as much time to shift perception enough for me to really grasp or alter what I'm feeling. I also think I still have a bit of rational judgment leaking in when I'm trying to only tap into my feeling states with the runes and I'm still working on trying not to let those judgments get in the way of Gnowing them. I haven't yet figured out if I have a "personal" or "favorite" rune. None of them really stand out right now. I imagine that as I grow more accustomed to the runes, continuing this exercise will shed some light on why certain runes trigger discomfort for me, and perhaps if I work on those areas or get more accustomed to being "with" them, I will see my subconscious reaction to those runes become less resistant.
(b) ...with more than one rune?
(c) Were your 'feeling' responses consistently the same each time you were 'with' the runes?
(d) Were your 'feeling' responses very subtle? ...very powerful?...pleasant? ...unpleasant?
(e) Do you feel more comfortable with your runes now than before you did Exercise #2?
(f) Does one particular rune now stand out as 'your personal rune' or favorite?
(g) Can you imagine any benefit in continuing this Exercise throughout this course?
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